sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

Tips for Yoga kids class

When I started teaching yoga for of 3- to 4-year olds I was overwhelmed. I asked myself, “how could I teach yoga for these little toddlers? How can I explain yoga poses, breathing techniques?  How can I maintain their attention for 45 minutes doing yoga? What I should do if they don’t want to follow the instructions?”
The recommended environment for a yoga kids class is a plain room, with no things that the kids could be distracted.  This yoga class was challenging, because the yoga class took place in a Montessori space. So, the room was full of plants, toys, and ceramic jars and we had to fit in a medium size carpet. And there was a toddler, the youngest of the group, who didn’t speak yet.  After the first month I was surprised how beautiful and enjoyable could be doing yoga with the toddlers.
I made my own tips that I followed for this group so I would love to share them.


Even though I completed two yoga kids teacher trainings so I learned a lot of techniques and yoga poses. I think it is helpful to research so I can know more about the topics that I am interested in. I found two really good books that helped me a lot.  Also I found a beautiful CD with mantras for kids. My point is that even you are prepare to teach yoga for kids, you also can find more information that it could enrich your classes. Also the young generations change really fast, one year the kids love Peter Pan and the next year change they are interested in another movie, so researching is crucial working with kids. I found more books and music for the yoga kids classes but these sources were the main references for this special yoga class.


·      Itsy Bitsy Yoga for Toddlers andPrescholars by Helen Garabedian
·      Buddhism for mothers of young children: Becoming a Mindful Parent by Sarah Napthali.


·      Mantras for the young at heart- Sarva-Antah & children.

Create your own style.

During these years I have met amazing yoga teachers. Some of them sing beautifully, or write gorgeous tales, or play musical instruments, or are acro-yoga experts. They normally prepare their workshops with the elements in which they thrive awesomely, and I love to learn from them. But the truth is that I do not have those skills; my strengths are dancing and cooking.  So, when I plan my yoga kids classes I always include activities and games that feel comfortable with. I usually customize the things that I learned during the workshops. I will never sing but I have so much music that I can play in the classes. In my yoga classes we always dance and prepare imaginary food. I learned that when I do activities that do not feel confortable with, the most of the times they end in a disaster.  So, creating my own style has helped me to discover my strengths and my weaknesses and also to connect with the kids from my deeper self.

Planning, planning, and planning.

This tip could sound silly and obvious, but I discovered that with a group of kids of this age I should plan activities no longer than five minutes each.  That means that at least I should plan 12 activities minimum per class. I also have extra ideas in case of emergency, I mean when the kids don’t want to participate in the activities. The attention spam at this age is short. Planning 12 or more activities per class twice a week could seem crazy, almost impossible. Toddlers love repetitive situations, they can watch the same movie thousands of times, and that also happens during yoga classes. They love and enjoy the same or very similar activities every yoga class. I normally change the topic each class but we engage in the same activities and games.  I realize that when the kids know the activities they are confident; they help each other and enjoy yoga poses. I have like 20 different activities and I switch them each class, and for some classes I create a new activity so that my goal is to have funny and predictable classes in which toddlers feel confident and successful.

Be flexible.

Even though I prepare and plan the yoga kids classes the unpredictable situations could happen. Sometimes the kids don’t want to participate or they have their own games or they are tired or they want to talk about other topics. In that case, the yoga class could seem a disaster and it could be if you don’t do something. When we do yoga we improve our physical flexibility, then we should improve also our mind flexibility. If one kid doesn’t feel confortable doing an activity or has another idea to share with the group, I discovered that incorporate the new game or idea is more functional in the yoga class than try that the kid do exactly what I teach in the yoga class. My goal it is not that the kids do exactly what I say, my goal is the kids enjoy and learn yoga poses. So, I normally incorporate the new game in a yoga style. For example, in one occasion there were two girls that during the yoga class they were apart playing “carrying imaginary babies”, when I saw the situation I asked them if they wanted to play with the rest of the group. We were doing an imaginary trip to the zoo at that moment. The girls refused and continued with their game. I decided to incorporate baby animals in the zoo. The girls immediately started following the new game of the yoga class and finished doing the rest of the yoga class.  At the end of the class one of the teachers of the kindergarten told me that the mother of one of these girls was in the hospital delivering her brother. I have learned that the kids behave for a reason; they also have problems, fears, and concerns. During the class the new things could happen and be flexible to change the planned activities could help the kids.

Share with their parents.

Kids love to share and show what they have learned with their parents. That is why I decided to do the same thing that the kids do. Sometimes I write one of the activities that we do in yoga class and give it to their parents at the end of the class. In this writing I explain the benefits of the activity or in what situation they can do it at home. On other occasions I write about yoga philosophy applied for parents. I try to change topics and share some tools that they could be helpful. My intention is to open the possibilities to do yoga in every situation in  normal life, like doing homework, traveling by car, dressing, falling sleep, waking up, shopping at the mall, in every situation that kids need to be relaxed and calm, they can do yoga. Yoga is not only at the mat, yoga is in our lives.